


Pose Suggestion: Bhujangasana ~ Cobra Pose

The suggested pose today is Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose provides a lovely extension for the back as you open the thoracic spine and allow the chest to broaden. It is an integral part of the Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutations, but can be practiced on its own. As a stand alone pose, repeat several times as you inhale to lift up and exhale to release back to the floor. 

Cues: Lie on your stomach and stretch legs long with toes pointed. In the traditional pose, the palms of the hands align by the pelvic region. A more accessible position is to align hands at the chest. Keep the neck spine long, contract the triceps and engage the gluts lightly as you come to lift the torso off the mat by a few inches.

As you continue to refine your pose, consider these additional cues … Press lightly  down and back with hands, draw shoulder blades down, broaden the collar bones and resist pressing the ribs forward. The hip points can narrow as you draw tailbone down and lift pubis toward naval.