
Day 7! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

A 21-Day Yoga Challenge:
To Release,
Restore & Rebalance


Day Seven:

Balasana or Child’s Pose

The Pose: 
Traditional child’s pose can be seen in the illustration above with the knees together and the arms stretched long. It is a great posture that gives length to the spine and side body. 
Today, make it even better with a few props as shown in the photo. In addition to adding comfort, the use of an eye pillow, block, or blanket under the forehead calms the parasympathetic nervous system and allows for deep relaxation.

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Day Six! A 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

A 21-Day Yoga Challenge:
To Release,
Restore & Rebalance

Day Six:

Side-lying Stretch

THE POSE: Side-lying stretch over a folder blanket is a lovely way to open the muscles along the side of your body, aid in better breathing and relieve back pain. 

HOW TO:  In our version today, I recommend two folder blankets. (If you are familiar with this pose you may like to use a bolster and one blanket.) Fold one blanket with the rounded folded side toward your head. Sit on your right side with your right hip against the blanket, lift your right arm and keep the length along your side as you descend over your blanket. The second blanket can be used as pillow between your right arm and head.

The left arm may remain at your side or you may draw it overhead and have the right hand hold your left wrist. Your knees are bent for a restful pose but you may lengthen them out and draw the top leg behind you slightly. 

TIPS: Make this pose extra comfy with the addition of a blanket on the top of your mat to give you more padding on your side. Add another blanket between your head and arm if your neck is not in line with your spine or if you have discomfort. 

Offer your controlled breathing practice of inhale, pause your breath, exhale for several rounds and offer this pose to each side for 5 minutes. 

Benefits: This pose is wonderful for stretching your side body and creating more space for your breath. It is recommended for people who have a tight low back, especially at the quadratus lumborum. These are deep abdominal muscles that connect from the floating ribs to the top of pelvis and can be the culprit for hip misalignment. 

Want to order? The 21-Day Yoga Challenge: Inspiration for a Lifetime of Good Health by Ann Fitzmaurice and illustrated by Altina Layman makes a great holiday gift for the ones you care about. Click to order! 


Day Five! A 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

A 21-Day Yoga Challenge:
To Release,
Restore & Rebalance

Day Five: 

Viparita Karani ~ Legs up the wall pose

The Pose: Viparita Karani or Legs up the wall is a pose that can bring calmness as it restores energy. It is the pose that the dedicated yoginis at Tina’s Yoga Loft in California start every class. (Thanks Tina for the photo today!!)
With modifications, it is a gentle inversion accessible for most everyone. It neutralizes the spine to help alleviate low back pain while creating space for deeper breaths. As an inversion pose, it promotes better blood and hormonal circulation.
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Day Four: 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

A 21-Day Yoga Challenge:
To Release,
Restore & Rebalance

Day Four:
Supported Chest Opening

THE POSE: Supported Chest Opening poses are taught in a variety of ways. I encourage you to explore this offering with various props to find the best modification to suit your body. Keep in mind, small adjustments can garner big rewards.
When you give yourself a little lift behind the heart, you not only reverse some of your inward shoulder rolling practices, you receive more energy and lift your mood. 

HOW TO:  Use a rolled blanket, blocks, a cushion or bolster and place on the floor so that when you recline, the prop will support your shoulder blades. If the prop is too low on the back it can dig into the lumbar spine. If too high, your low back may feel excessively arched. Like Goldilocks, there is the spot that is just right. Add a blanket, pillow or block under your head to give your neck proper support. 
Arms may go out to the side with palms facing up to accentuate the external rotation of the shoulders. 
Knees may be bent with feet on the floor and a bit wider than hip distance. Let the knees drop into one another. 
Offer your controlled breathing practice of inhale, pause your breath, exhale for several rounds and allow your breath to expand as your heart opens wide. 

MODIFICATIONS: When your chest is lifted, it is important that your head feel supported. Place a blanket or pillow or block under your head at a height that feels like the cervical spine is in line with the rest of the spine. Blankets under the arms is not only softer but will support your arms if they cannot reach the floor comfortably. 

Here are more specific photos to help you find the best fit. 




Want to order? The 21-Day Yoga Challenge: Inspiration for a Lifetime of Good Health by Ann Fitzmaurice and illustrated by Altina Layman makes a great holiday gift for the ones you care about. Click to order! 


Day Three: 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

A 21-Day Yoga Challenge:
To Release,
Restore & Rebalance

Day Three:
Supta Garudasana
or reclining eagle pose

The POSE: Garudasana or Eagle Pose is traditionally practiced standing. Today, try this pose while in supine position. It changes the pose and some of the benefits and is often more accessible.  Continue reading “Day Three: 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance” »


Day Two: 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

Day Two:
Supta Kapotasana
or reclining pigeon pose.

You may know this pose by the name figure four or eye of the needle. Your left leg crosses and the ankle rests with the foot flexed at the knee or thigh of the right leg. You reach with arms or a belt to draw the right thigh closer. This action often causes the shoulders to grip and the jaw to tighten. 
Today, offer yourself a softer version of this beneficial pose.

HOW TO: Lie down on your back, press you feet into the wall and lift your hips. Lengthen your left leg up and externally rotate. Place the ankle onto the right thigh and slowly lower your hips. 
Arms remain at your sides so your body can relax as your hip flexors soften and your left piriformis muscle receives a good stretch. 
Offer your controlled breathing practice of inhale, pause your breath, exhale and remain for 5 minutes before switching sides. 

Modifications: If your hips are tight and you feel an unease in the pose, please adjust by moving the body further away from the wall. Balance evenly on the sacrum to feel the whole lower pelvis on the floor. If being on the floor is not comfortable, try this pose in a chair. If traveling, this is a great version of the pose to offer after a long car ride or while waiting at the airport. 

Benefits: This pose will ease tight piriformis muscles as well as the muscles around the sacrum, the low back and glutes. It is a wonderful complement to both the athlete who needs a good stretch after working out and the person behind the desk or the wheel of car. 

Want to order? The 21-Day Yoga Challenge: Inspiration for a Lifetime of Good Health by Ann Fitzmaurice and illustrated by Altina Layman makes a great holiday gift for the ones you care about. Click to order! 


Day One: 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

Welcome to the first day of our holiday 21-day yoga challenge. Today, I invite you to open you proverbial toolbox and access your most powerful tool: your breath. Through controlled breathing techniques, you can calm your busy mind and relax your nervous system.

The Importance of Supported Sitting: By supported, I mean for you to sit on some height — like two or three folded blankets, a bolster or cushion. Build your support higher than you think you need. The height helps your hips relax which gives you access to be more grounded and sit in a posture in which your spine is in proper alignment. Your legs can cross but if this is not suitable for your knees, take the bottoms of your feet together with the support of a folded blanket under the knees. 

The Benefits of Controlled Breathing: Yoga postures create strength in your bones and muscles and adding controlled breathing to your practice of poses will improve your posture and alignment. Controlled breathing practices on their own impact your body by positively calming your nervous system which in turn helps focus your mind while allowing your body to relax.

Today’s simple offering is meant to help you create a tool to carry with you over the next few weeks (and hopefully beyond). From the supported seat, feel your spine grow tall as the crown of your head reaches up. Soften or close your eyes and begin to notice your breath, breathing in and out through your nose. After several rounds follow this sequence: 
Inhale. Pause your breath. Exhale. 
Repeat for twenty rounds, then return to your soft inhale and exhale. 

There are many nuances to yoga postures, especially restorative ones. Your breath is a key component to the success you will have in the poses offered during the coming days. 



A 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance



You are invited to give back to yourself this holiday season.

Join the 21-Day Yoga Challenge: Release, Restore & Rebalance. 
Take care of your health and well-being at this busy time of year by carving out a few minutes each day from Sunday, December 1st to Saturday, December 21st. 
May you be well.



This offering is part of
The 21-Day Yoga Challenge: Inspiration for a Lifetime of
Good Health

The book includes a collection of motivational essays and beautiful illustrations. And, it would make a great gift for someone you care about. 

Order your copy today by clicking here or visit one of our independent retailers: 
Hames Center, Sitka, Alaska
Book Passage, Corte Madera, California
Cooperfield’s Books, San Rafael, California
In Bend, OR: 
Dudley’s Bookshop Cafe
Princess Athletic
In Greensboro, NC:
Scuppernong Books
Triad Yoga Institute
Just Be
MoonBird Pottery
Art and Soul


Annual Celebration of Gratitude

For me, this 52nd year of circling the earth has been encircled by caring and loving souls. For me, I dub this year: The Year of Kindness. 

Each year, I pause to recall the many generous acts of loving kindness I have been gifted. This year granted me the opportunity to publish a book I have considered for several years. The process to take this book to fruition will stay imprinted on my soul because I will hold dear the support of the kind village of people who made it possible. 

Life is a gift and this year I recognize 52 of those gifts. 

  1. My health
  2. Donna Lou, my mother who was the first kindness I knew
  3. The Bryan YMCA YogaDawgs 
  4. Altina Layman who illustrates the reality that talent and kindness are interwoven
  5. Jeri Rowe’s words and encouragement that travel longer than the page
  6. Betsi Robinson with wisdom and guidance
  7. #Wearewriters, Gaye and Heather and together we believe, encourage and celebrate the written word
  8. John’s unending belief in me and my writing dream
  9. Tina and her yoginis and their west coast embrace and love
  10. Sitka Community that reaches far beyond an island
  11. Sistah Cindy whose heart always has room for one more sibling
  12. Kara and an unfailing ability to be there and there and there
  13. Angie and her letters of 1000 pieces tied together with humor and honesty
  14. MaryMac and Phil whose home and heart are open wide and kind
  15. Alice, my wise friend and teacher
  16. Jerry and Terry and their beautiful Triad Yoga Community
  17. Heather P who teaches me to embrace life fully
  18. Michiko’s honest way and sincerity that never wavers 
  19. Scuppernong Books and Brian and Jeff for belief in community support and goodness
  20. Sarah D who reminds me to trust it all
  21. David Heggie for embodying the beliefs of the Y community
  22. Naomi B for endless encouragement and celebration that thankfully knows no end
  23. Greg P, my wise and caring mentor who makes my being possible
  24. Tara who shares love, adventure, honesty and laughter- a perfect life long concoction 
  25. The kiddos who continue to shine their light in my direction: Lillian, Adeline, Brian, Matthew, Celia, Annie and Emma
  26. Austin and Dylan, the caretakers of the Sherwood retreat
  27. Julia and Grant for presence at the table and in our hearts
  28. Msr. Look, the best two-wheels that carry me and get me stronger
  29. My brother, John who won’t give up on me
  30. Becky and Cliff who keep me connected
  31. Two legs that still run
  32. The classes I am honored to teach and the student who come
  33. The publications that rejected my submissions, you teach me: It’s not No. It’s just not now
  34. Tate Street Coffee and 25 years of shaping and caffeinating my life
  35. Aunt Ann and Uncle Howie, the supportive love and inclusion that’s lasted longer than any others
  36. Lindy who supplies love and kindness every year
  37. My plane-pen pale, Lisa for letter from all elevations
  38. Runner pals Alaska: Bridget, Val, Lisa and Cindy Bea
  39. Kristen who keeps space in her life and room in her heart
  40. Ryan and your lessons of love, gratitude and intentions that continue to guide me
  41. Isaac because you have to keep the ones that get you best close by
  42. Adventures that open me to the unexpected
  43. Morning coffee and cribbage with the kind soul that greets my day
  44. The full moon
  45. The Redwoods, the Spruce, the Oaks and all the trees that save me
  46. Beautiful hikes that take me out and bring me back in
  47. The sunrise
  48. The California quail show
  49. The NC Cardinal calls
  50. The desire and ability to say: Yes!
  51. The blessing of John 
  52. Good friends far and wide who connect with my heart and feed my soul


Bonus Day! From the 21-Day Yoga Challenge

Your Bonus Pose!

Savasana or Corpse Pose

Your 21-day yoga challenge would not be complete without mention of savasana or corpse pose. Thus, take time to fit this bonus pose in today, especially if you have worked other poses or had a strenuous week. 

Cues: From a supine position, allow your arms to roll open with the palms facing upward and have your legs roll out comfortably. Close your eyes and draw your attention to your breath, softly following the inhale and exhale. 

Benefits: Savasana allows your muscles to incorporate the work you have done in a yoga practice. The conscious relaxation allows your body and mind to release fully and this, in turn, will invigorate and refresh you.

Modifications: Props are a welcome addition to any savasana. In particular, use a rolled blanket under the neck, just above the shoulders to support your cervical spine. If you worked your legs in practice, a bolster behind the knees at the lower thighs is often beneficial for both the legs and in releasing the low back. Be sure your heels come to something — the mat or place a blanket so the heels do not hang in space and cause any strain. The contact with the earth or a prop allows the body to fully relax. 

☀️Thank your body for all it has given to you and continues to provide.🧘‍♀️

I thank you for sharing this special time.

🙏🏻May you be well and may you keep you light illuminated. ☀️

How was your pose-a day-challenge? We’d love to hear from you. Send your comments, photos, or questions under the comments section. Post to FaceBook @thinkyoga or on Instagram @21dayyogachallenge.

Order The 21-Day Yoga Challenge: Inspiration for a Lifetime of Good Health by Ann Fitzmaurice and illustrated by Altina Layman. Click to order! 

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