


Day 20! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

Day 20: Supta Baddha Konasana ~ Reclining Bound Angle Pose or Queen’s Pose


The Pose: 
Supta Baddha Konasana can be set up in a myriad of ways. A minimalist can simply recline and take the bottoms of the feet together. In our version today, we’ll offer it with a chair. However, if your shoulders are broad and not accommodated by the chair, see the photo below for a set up with blocks supporting the bolster. 

How To:
You set up the props up similar to yesterday’s pose but then turn to sit with the bolster behind you.
Turn your folding chair so that the legs are facing you. The chair seat needs to be open closer to you so it will not fold in on itself. Place a bolster or cushion so the rungs between the chair legs supports the cushion. Place another blanket on the bolster where your head will have support.
Sit in front of the bolster and lean back into it. Take your legs into baddha konasana or bound angle by placing the bottoms of your feet together and let the knees open. Place folded blankets under each thigh to support the upper legs and knees. 
Remain in this pose for five minutes or more. 

Breath Practice: Today try this alternative breath practice, called Waterfall Breath. Take your inhale in three segments. Pause your breath. Exhale in one fluid motion. 
Sip an inhale breath into your belly. Pause. Sip another inhale breath into your mid torso. Pause. Sip one more breath into your chest. Pause your breath and then exhale fully, imaging a waterfall spilling out over the crest. 

If the bolster feels too high and makes your lower lumber uncomfortable, try sitting on a blanket to increase your height. If your arms do not reach the floor, a blanket is a nice cushion to offer. 
If your shoulders are broad and the chair legs interrupt your ability to relax, remove the chair and use the bolster supported by two blocks or a cushion so the top of the bolster is raised enough to allow you to breathe comfortable. 

An alternative to the chair is to use two blocks behind the bolster.

This is always a crowd pleaser in class as it allows the body to relax softly against support. The support of the spine and the head give access to full breath while the open legs allow for a stretch of the groins, thighs and knees. It is a royal stress relieving pose.

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It makes a great holiday gift for the ones you care about. Click to order!