


Day 11! Pose a Day from The 21-Day Yoga Challenge

Brings you today’s pose: 

Virabhadrasana II ~ Warrior II

Virabhadrasana is named after Virabhadra, a warrior legend in Hindu theatre. Like many warriors who are pulled in different directions and must maintain balance, Virabhadrasana II is a pose where the torso must be drawn back from going too far forward and the front leg must lengthen forward while the back leg remains an anchor of strength. The pose, with its various modifications, is accessible to all bodies and can help strengthen the legs, create an openness in the upper body while stamina is created throughout. 

Cues: Step feet four to five feet apart. Externally rotate front leg 90 degrees, turn back foot in slightly. Inhale and lift arms to shoulder level, engage belly, relax shoulders away from ears and exhale to bend the front knee to create 90 degree angle with thigh and shin. Arm muscles contract to create length and energy. Front inner groin lengthens to inner knee and track the knee over the ankle. Press the feet away from one another and engage the back leg glut to help activate the entire leg and draw the quadricep back toward hamstrings. 

Benefits: For individuals looking for a pose to help build muscle strength and bone density, this is a great one! Stay in the pose at least 12 breaths and work up to 90 seconds. You can practice the pose dynamically: draw into the bent knee on the exhale, inhale to straighten the leg and repeat for several rounds. This is a good way to warm up muscles and begin to improve flexibility in tight hips and hamstrings. 

Modifications: If fatigued or balance is a concern, use a chair and sit with the front-leg thigh fully supported. Follow the cues above and keep legs active even though you aren’t holding as much of your weight. Practice against a wall to help with balance and to better track your front knee to proper alignment over the ankle. Hands may rest at the hips if shoulders or neck is compromised. 

Remember: You’re a beautiful, strong warrior with a wide open heart. Smile. 

Do you like Virabhadrasana II? What’s your favorite warrior pose? Have a good photo to share? Please do! Have a question to ask? Send it under the comments section. Post to FaceBook @thinkyoga or on Instagram @21dayyogachallenge.

Order The 21-Day Yoga Challenge: Inspiration for a Lifetime of Good Health by Ann Fitzmaurice and illustrated by Altina Layman. Click to order!