


Time to linger in gratitude, all 54 of them

Sometimes you hold on even when you should let go. I am ready to let go of the past year and offer space to the unfolding of the new year. In fact, I’m eager to release words such as unprecedented. But some things, I want to linger with a tad longer. I want to linger in the gratitude of all the goodness and the kind memories that made the year, even with a pandemic mixed in, seem rather magical.

As is my desire and my practice, I offer this year’s gratitudes… all 54 of them. And, I say thank you, thank you, thank you. May you feel my gratitude.

1. Good health… and the reality that there is nothing without it
2. Belief in the good … people are good; I am good. You are good
3. Kindness of others … from strangers to best friends – it’s there
4. Sweet John and all his belief in us
5. Memories that make me smile
6. Sweet Donna Lou, my mom who stays in my heart and helps guide me
7. Brother John who I panic with each adventure and forgives me for them
8. My Yoga Mat — it never lets me down
9. My yoga teachers who persevered through zoom: Terry, Jerry and Debbie
10. Spin-Etch with the amazing Cindy Bea and the SpinFam
11. Yoga Students who continue to show up no matter the time zone
12. My bike… pedaling me right back into childhood freedom
13. Greg, for all his support and reality checks on my dreams
14. Michiko and Misa who still hold faith in me
15. Mary Mac and Phil and their repetition of, “Yes, come back and stay with us.”
16. Yoga Dawgs of Greensboro and their dedication to the mat and one another
17. #Wearewriters—Heather and Gaye and all their intelligence and beauty, inside and out
18. Kara who I can phone every day and she still answers more than just the phone
19. Lynnie, Christie and Loren — and friendships that weather the decades
20. Cross Country Skiing and the wonderment of winter in the woods
21. Adventures with T—Tara, who continues to say Hells Yes, I’ll do that
22. Lillie who still finds hanging with me fun, or at least tolerable
23. Altina, the artist, force of nature and friend
24. Julia and Grant who include me in their circle and their love
25. Challenges that make me understand life is precious
26. Good coffee and more good coffee
27. Phyllis, the mother of Bette-the-Eurovan who has added more adventures to list
28. Mamma Alice Vipiana whose strength is a virtue
29. Old friends who still pick up the phone – thanks Lytle and Lindy
30. Parks of all kinds – the sacred spaces to reconnect to nature
31. Trees… like M. Oliver said: I would say they almost save me ~ and daily
32. Pie, because it slices into my happy side
33. Passions held for writing and respect for the written word
34. All my yoga teacher pals that keep me striving to be my best self: Heather, Alice, Sheila, Terry, Tina, Debbie, Jerry, Barbara, Angie, Adelfa
35. Running and the paths my legs still let me travel
36. Ryan who stays with me to remind me there is always gratitude to be found
37. Sistah Cindy Bea … we really are sisters, just of different parents
38. Sunrise, simple and true and miraculous
39. Capi and Mike and their sweet kindness and sincere laughter
40. Neighbors that make living in a place more than location—Bend Hood: The Lavelle’s, Katie Fitz, Scenic Deeniks; GSO Hamlet: Jason & Marshall, Ken & Dyan, Michelle, and Alice
41. Part-time roommate Dave and his unending culinary & vino education
42. Becky and the good folks running Tate Street Coffee who continue to treat me with such kindness
43. Letters! A huge gift of time and energy – Angie, Lisa, and many others
44. Sitka Crew! I see you in my mind’s eye and hold you in my heart
45. Tina and Dick – the west coast family that I am so grateful to have
46. Kristen and Monty and Henrykas who remind me that life is meant to be lived
47. 21-day yoga challenge and all the folks that participate, even once, to know that we are worthy
48. The people who are shaping a beautiful future: Lillian, Emma, Annie, Adeline, Ella and Celia
49. Poetry and the inspiring poets that keep me aware of the beauty all around
50. Grandma MomaD and husband Bert for inspiring the habit of cribbage as a time to be together — and be a little competitive
51. Pilot John and Kermit for safely taking us through many adventures
52. Aunt Ann, Uncle Howie and Liz and their embracing me as family
53. Appreciation for the biggest trips in life are often a short distance
54. To all the friends who have kept me in their lives and in their hearts, I am one of the wealthiest humans alive


  1. Tina says:

    You keep me grounded. What would I have done without you in my life? At just the right moments and in all the right places! I look forward to reading your growing list of gratitudes every year. May this year bring you more joy, more adventures and…more pie, of course.

  2. jeri Rowe says:

    Nice! Glad you’re still in our lives, Annie Fitz.

  3. Lynn Fick-Cooper says:

    Wonderful list, sweet friend! Thankful for you, our evergreen friendship, and your soothing voice on my newly discovered yoga mat reminding me to be present and grateful!

  4. Nancy says:

    Always love this and you. What a gift to all of us you are!!! Thank you.

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