


Day 16! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

Thanks to Bryan YMCA yogis for showing how to twist from the chair

21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

Day 16: Seated Twist from a Chair


The Pose: One of the important practices in yoga is the attention paid to the movement of the spine. Through flexion, extension, side-body openings and rotation of the spine you access all the movements and all the benefits. 
Yesterday, in downward facing dog pose you lengthened your spine and received a nice side-body opening. Today, you will take a seat and use your chair to provide deep rotation of the spine. Pay particular attention to your breath in this practice by taking three breaths to go into the twist and three breaths to come out of the twist. 
How To: Take a seat in your chair (a folding chair works best for accessible placement of your hands) Turn to sit with your right hip parallel to the back side of the chair. Your thighs are parallel to one another and your feet are firmly on the floor. It is important to begin with a tall spine; your shoulder blades draw down and your chest is broad. 
Inhale to lengthen the spine and use the exhale to turn from the lower lumbar and gently place your hands on either side of the chair back. Inhale and feel another lengthening of the spine, as you exhale turn gently from the mid-back or mid-thoracic spine. Once more, inhale and with the exhale rotate the upper thoracic spine into the twist. 

Pause in the pose for one more breath and then begin your three-part breath retreat out of the pose. 

Inhale to feel length in your spine, exhale to release the upper thoracic. Inhale and with your exhale release the middle back or mid-thoracic spine. Inhale and with your exhale release your lower back and remove your hands from the back of the chair.

Repeat to the left side. 
Tips: The attention to move in and out of the twist in three breath cycles provides an opportunity quiet the mind and focus on the movements of the spine. Rather than release all at once from the twist, the focus on recoiling in the spine in three stages slows the pose down as you release toxins.

Be mindful not to let your head turn first in the twist. Allow for your cervical spine to follow the slow rotation of the rest of your spine.
Benefits: Twists are extremely beneficial to the health of the spine as the rotation allows for fluid to move around the vertebra. The movement provides a wringing out of the organs to release toxins and help the digestive track. This is particularly useful at a time of year when we tend to indulge a bit more. 


🎁 Need a gift for someone your care about? How about The 21-Day Yoga Challenge: Inspiration for a Lifetime of Good Health 

It makes a great holiday gift for the ones you care about. Click to order!