


We All Bloom, in our Own Time


Just as some of us were anticipating, the slow thaw of winter caused us to jump right through to summer. But alas, take heart…the spring is here. It is evident at every turn. The emerging leaves on the dogwoods are all dotted with with their colorful blooms, the lilacs are bursting, and the Forsythias can still be seen dancing their yellow branches.

I never get tired of the surprise that spring brings. It is a reassurance, an offering that what went away, what got plowed under, what crinkled up and got swept to the street will again bloom. And isn’t that one of the nicest gifts nature gives us? To see the plants, the trees, the bushes take their own time and determination to seek their moment to open, to again be a part of the world that surrounds them.

It is also a gift that we should remember for ourselves. Some of us have not been on a bike in months…others of us our just dusting off the hiking boots or running shoes and then others of us have had set backs which have required taking time to rest and recoup. We must regain our stamina for strength as we maintain our stamina for patience.

But if we give up and think, I’ll never get there, then we are forgetting about the wondrous ways of nature. We are forgetting that those buds on the trees, those blooms on the bushes, the flowers in the garden started as small bulbs and patiently worked their way past the cold soil, past the torrents of rain and sleet, to become what they are. We didn’t put a time limit on when they needed to bloom and we should not for ourselves.

For we all bloom, in our own way, in our own time.