


Spring Inward

IMG_3828Spring is the perfect time to be re-invigorated. Whether it is the offering of warm weather to get outside and move more or the sweetness of sitting on the front porch at first light to listen to the birds. At this time of year, those birds sound like old classmates who have come together for a reunion and chatter away. All of them seem to have tales to tell or concerns to voice: Where are the best needles to be found for our nests? Did you see the old oak came down in the winter storm? Perhaps that is my overactive imagination at work, but after spending sacred moments listening to the lyrical chirps, I couldn’t help but give them dialogue.

I also couldn’t help to take time and settle in on the front porch to watch the day unfold – even as the garden called for my attention: ivy is chocking off the viburnum, the hydrangeas need deadheading, and there are the leaves, oh so many leaves. However, instead of picking up the rake or putting on my gloves, I walked to the Mohawk Viburnum, a young shrub that reminds me with great delight of all the gifts of spring. The tight pink buds swirl with a scent of sweetness mixed with slight spice and draws my eyes closed as I breathe in so deep that I steal myself away from everything else.

To be a part of another spring, to behold the new life, reminds me how fortunate I am to be alive. In those moments, I see nature as a lifeline to give me courage to keep going – to keep chasing dreams and chasing away uncertainty.

The wonderment of nature pulls me outward to appreciate the changing world around me and simultaneously draws me inward to hear an inner voice of compassion. I believe that voice is within all of us, but sometimes we cannot hear it as we replay an old chirping tape of self doubt or criticism. Yet, just as the new growth on the trees need the nutrients found deep in the soil, we too need the nutrients of self compassion.

As you take in the new season, take notice of how even the old trees have fresh growth. We, like the trees, continue to grow and change and continue to need the nutrients found deep in our roots. As the light filled days call you out, invite yourself to spring in and appreciate all that you are.

1 comment

  1. Carol Love says:

    lovely message, Ann. A great reminder for all of us.

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