


The Naked Bulb Burns Bright

Hanging-Bulb-6-BW-OC-300pxThe lampshade was created to soften the brightness of the exposed lightbulb and give dressing to home décor. In fashion, the shade is a nice accessory, but once removed a noticeable difference in brightness occurs. For esthetics the shade is preferred, but for clear illumination, the naked bulb is brighter.

When I think about storytelling, writing verse, or sharing personal feelings, I realize that I often pull a shade over myself. I know the intent is not to dress the window of my being into something more attractive. Instead, the use of a shade becomes something to hide behind and dull the true emotions and beliefs that live inside. I may imagine that I am protecting some enclave of my being, but this practice inhibits me from being truthful and honest.

Anyone who risks sharing their true selves are said to be brave in their vulnerability. I concur. It is brave and it is a risk to be vulnerable. To take this risk means to stand with no covering and this can invite judgement and criticism. For many of us, that may be more than we have the constitution to handle.

Yet, I aspire to be like the brave souls. They give me encouragement and the understanding that when I let my own guard down and when I remove the layer of cloth that I think protects me, I find I am still protected by the honesty in which I share my story. Some may call it a fearlessness, but perhaps it is being wise of fear–that when we are honest and when we act and speak from a place of compassion, then we are living fully. When we choose to live a life where barriers of cover are removed we will not be immune to the opinions of others, but we will offer ourselves and others a precious gift—the gift to burn more brightly in naked realness.