
Pose Suggestion: Tadasana ~ Mountain Pose

The suggested pose today is Tadasana or Mountain Pose

Tadasana is often referred to as Mountain Pose. I call it my Grocery Store Stance, because when I stand in line, say at the grocery store, I remind myself that I can practice yoga anywhere!! 

Standing tall and strong not only brings your physical body into better alignment, it strengthens your mental acuity because you breath more fully and create better awareness with a lifted head, a broader opening in your upper body as you ground yourself more fully.  Continue reading “Pose Suggestion: Tadasana ~ Mountain Pose” »


Pose Suggestion: Vanarasana or Lunge Pose

Suggested pose for today is Vanarasana or Lunge Pose

This pose is an integral part of the sun salutations that are included in the Mother Sequence. While it may be seen as a transitional pose within the sun salutation, it is a powerful and therapeutic pose all on its own and can be performed in various ways. Continue reading “Pose Suggestion: Vanarasana or Lunge Pose” »


Pose Suggestion: Urdhva Hastasana ~ Tall Mountain

The intentions of your 21-day yoga challenge may include to strengthen your body, focus your mind, and calm your nervous system. Even if you choose just one of these or something else entirely, you understand that you have a purpose.

Today, reach high with urdhva hastasana or tall mountain pose. Continue reading “Pose Suggestion: Urdhva Hastasana ~ Tall Mountain” »


Pose Suggestion: Sukhasana ~ Simple Seat

Welcome to the 2020, 21-day yoga challenge! 

Start here: sit a spell, breathe mindfully and smile.  Continue reading “Pose Suggestion: Sukhasana ~ Simple Seat” »


What is the 21-day yoga challenge?

Is there something you know so well that you assume everyone else knows it just as you do? That is my shortcoming I have about the 21-day yoga challenge. Read on to receive a brief tutorial on what, when, why and how the 21-day yoga challenge works.

This year’s challenge begins Saturday, February 29th and runs through Friday, March 20, 2020.  Continue reading “What is the 21-day yoga challenge?” »


Welcome Winter, Welcome Light

Today is the winter solstice, usually noted as the shortest day of the year. However, the earth conducts its rotation regardless of imprints on our calendars and often the 21st of December and the shortest day of the year do not coincide. Not unlike how you and I might be off a bit in our rotation, especially at this time of year. But one thing remains certain — the days begin to lengthen, the light lingers longer and we continue to have the capacity to shine. 

December 21st holds a special place in my heart and memory, but not just for one reason. In 2006, my sweet mom who came into this world in the spring, took her last breath at the winter solstice. In 2015, I was living in Alaska and the short days were magical, honoring the small amounts of light we received each day and appreciating the opportunity to be a bit more still, a little quiet and genuinely reflective. Since 2010, my dear friends and fellow yogis in Greensboro hold a yoga practice on this day (one that many attended this morning). They gather with candles and offer 108 sun salutations to honor the changing season and welcome the increase of light-filled days. 

The winter solstice falls at the holidays which can hold melancholy as we remember those who have passed away and transitioned from this life. Each year, I make certain to light a candle to honor the changing of the season and to remind myself of all those who graciously crossed my path in this life. And, I remember I have a choice to be that light to others. We all have that choice to be a light. 

Welcome winter. Welcome the longer days. Welcome the light within you and let it shine. ☀️


Day 21! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance


Art shows us the classic pose of savasana with legs on a chair. His arms rest comfortably with his palms facing upward to roll his shoulders in external rotation to help open his chest.

21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

Day 21: Savasana with Legs on a Chair


The Pose: Our last day of our 21-day yoga challenge to release, restore & rebalance offers the pose enjoyed at the end of traditional yoga classes. Savasana is the resting pose or the corpse pose and the pose to let you absorb the benefits of an active practice into your muscle memory. In this active time of year, this pose helps you rebalance your day, your body and your mindset. Continue reading “Day 21! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance” »


Day 20! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

Day 20: Supta Baddha Konasana ~ Reclining Bound Angle Pose or Queen’s Pose


The Pose: 
Supta Baddha Konasana can be set up in a myriad of ways. A minimalist can simply recline and take the bottoms of the feet together. In our version today, we’ll offer it with a chair. However, if your shoulders are broad and not accommodated by the chair, see the photo below for a set up with blocks supporting the bolster.  Continue reading “Day 20! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance” »


Day 19! 21-Day Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

Day 19: Upavistha Konasana ~ Supported Wide Angle Forward Fold


The Pose: 
Our version of this seated wide-legged forward fold is meant to help you draw inward and therefore your must be comfortable to do so. Just as in uttanasana, tight hamstrings can make comfort a far-away goal. To relax and release into this pose, try the alternatives with a chair, bolster or cushion and blankets.  Continue reading “Day 19! 21-Day Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance” »


Day 18! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

In front, Dee shows a variation on uttanasana from sitting on the chair while Jeri, in the background, offers his forward fold over the chair edge.


Day 18: Supported Uttanansana ~ Supported Standing Forward Fold with a Chair

The Pose:
Uttanasana or forward fold is traditionally practiced from tadasana or mountain pose. From this aligned position the core is engaged, shoulder blades draw down the back and your collar bones broaden. As you begin to hinge at the hips to take yourself forward, the hip flexors draw deeper into the body. The palms come to the floor as the legs remain straight. For many this is a comfortable releasing pose. For others of us whose arms are far from the floor because our hamstrings are tight, this pose can be far from comfortable. To make it a welcoming pose, try it with a folded chair.  Continue reading “Day 18! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance” »

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